3080 gpu driver error : no temp

I got also the Aorus master card and for me the problem was solved by setting the power limit higher my settings aren`t that aggresive but stable :slight_smile:
core -390 mem 1600 nd power limit 270W and getting stable 95,62mh/s
worked with gminer and t-rex

I have problems mining ravencoin,have 3070ti aorus master,after couple minutes hiveos show high average load and gpu driver error,no temp and rig freez

Same. Was running 5 GPUS in a mix rig on a BTC-S37, 4 on mobo, 1 on riser ver9s. Was working fine (2x 1660s, 2080s, 3060v2LHR, 1080ti), got another 1080ti but not using it and I had a chance to get a brand new asus 3060ti (Hynix GDDR6 ·, so I rearanged the rig a bit, and put 2x 1660s on risers, and the other 4 on mobo, I have external fans on all GPU’s. I was on nvidia drivers 465.31 and hiveos from 20th september. After booting up 15min in I get “Gpu error, no temps”, and I tried to lower OC on the 3060ti, no vail, tried to swap GPU’s around, placing 3060ti on riser, I tried everything until I removed the 2080s and left 5 cards on (1 1660 super on riser and 1 on mobo, 3060ti on riser, 3060 and 1080ti on mobo) it was kind of working, 3060ti was fluctuating in power consumption and I had 2 invalids produced by it in 1hr, and after that it gave me red boxes with jacks in them and said the rig is stoped in hiveos, but the rig was working still with fans spinning etc, any idea whats going on? Have been without a working rig for 5 days :frowning: please help.

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