HiveOn Pool down?


You’re too dumb to write a paper.

This is clearly evident.

That was two days ago! What else? What are your thoughts on the outage and your refund now that u know what caused the outage AND refund? :thinking::thinking::thinking: We’d LOOOOOVE to hear your thoughts on that. Also, what are your current ping times? We’re just gathering thoughts and your point of view on these things.


It is ALWAYS a pleasure to gain insight on these things from such authoritative figures in the HiveOS space. Dig commands, 20MS ping times. I mean, how do u do it? How did u gain such wisdom and knowledge of the platform?

[quote=“Icona, post:203, topic:46837”]
That was two days ago! What else?[/quote]


I’ve already answered this. Scroll up and read.

(I already told you: “If I don’t write it, that’s my fault. If you don’t read it, it’s yours.”)

If I knew the answer to that question, then why would I have bothered to ask in the forums, dumbass???

The whole point of me asking is because I DON’T KNOW what that’s for which is why I am ASKING to see if there are other people who might have their ears closer to the ground, who might know something that I have YET to be made aware of.


What an idiotic question! LOL…LMAO…

How stupid do you have to be to ask someone who doesn’t know the answer to something “why are you asking your question?”


(uhhh…cuz I don’t know the answer?) LOL…LMAO…

What kind of an idiot would ask the person who is asking a question “why are you asking the question?” or “what do you think the answer is?” Well…fuck, if I knew the answer, then I wouldn’t have needed to ask, dumbass. LOL…LMAO…

I’ve already answered this as well.

Scroll up and read.

(“If I don’t write it, that’s my fault. If you don’t read it, it’s yours.”)

Great perspective. :astonished: You’re absolutely right. So, what are your thoughts on the upgrade? Was it worth it? We’re u compensated enough? And thanks for taking the time out to answer these queries as they will benefit others.


TBD. I’m still running tests on my end here.

The system hasn’t been stable/consistent enough for me to start the clock on my testing. (Standard deviations are > 1 sigma values).

When the standard deviations are < 1 sigma for a period of time > 24 hours, then I can start the timer/clock on my testing.

But right now, I haven’t been able to start the clock/timer on my testing yet because the standard deviations are > 1 sigma, so I am tracking the standard deviation statistics prior to starting the clock.

You’ll notice when running net-test that Hive’s servers are all over the place. I’ve spent countless hours testing and refining on my end, there’s not much you can do accept test occasionally or when the stale share count rises. Other than that, bad servers are out of our control. And their servers are pretty bad.

Yes, well…there’s that and there’s also just regular “line noise” as well - i.e. how much of the problem is ACTUALLY the fault of HiveOn vs. how much of the problem is “noise in my line”.

(i.e. the total number of potential sources of noise that can all ultimately affect your end net result isn’t necessarily “small”, and therefore; to be able to “see” who much of the problem is actually the fault of HiveOn vs. how much of the problem is due to “everything else” requires a decently controlled experiment to be able to separate out the signals to its constituent components before being able to draw any meaningful conclusions to be able to answer the question that you just asked.)

And there’s also the possibility that by the time that the statistics achieve the < 1 sigma in variability, testing for the problem, in order to try and answer your original question may become a moot point/task because things would have improved significantly/dramatically by then.

So… shrug

Until then, I am on a holding pattern where I can’t even START my testing yet because of the high standard deviations from the current data/statistics that is available. (Starting to collect data when the ongoing tests already show that you have a high degree of variability will just erode your coefficient of determination, and undermine your confidence interval testing results, therefore; doing so won’t help you draw any meaningful conclusions that is backed up by the statistical analysis of transient data that has been collected.)

Had no idea this even existed. Will take a look.

Sorry you missed it :slight_smile: It was disconcerting until confirming the issue was outside the rigs. Easily remedied from there.

I hope the original poster found his answer in all these posts :slight_smile:


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Wow this thread turned toxic really quickly. I did not read any of those essays but I’m here with a question. It seems many got a small refund and I experienced this outage end of august also but got no refund, how is that possible lol.

I received a refund as well.

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