HiveOn Pool down?

And yet, despite this, you still can’t admit that you’re wrong and take responsibility for it.

You’ve been working in IT since 1998 and you have still yet to learn this lesson of taking responsibilty for when you are wrong. All the good that your 23 years of working in IT has done for you. This is a part of the reason why you’re incompetent. If you’ve worked for 23 years and you STILL haven’t learned how to take responsibility for your own shit, then you are a complete and utter failure, both in life and professionally.


Says the incompetent failure.



#epicmoron on display.

I can see that you’re incapable of any original thought.

#epicmoron on display

Stop talking.


Icona :heart: Nickelback.

Go away with you 20 Megahash stash. :joy::joy:

WAIT….your non JASON parsing 20 Megahash stash.

BWAHAHAHA…can’t even spell JSON correctly!!! BWAHAHAHA…

And this is coming from an “IT professional”. LOL…LMAO…

This “IT professional” can’t tell the difference between JASON and JSON. BWAHAHAHA…

Mr 20 Megahash Alpha. :joy::joy::joy: I would LITERALLY PAY MONEY to see your rig. I can only imagine.

Unlike you, at least I can tell the difference between JASON and JSON and I’m not even an “IT professional” such as yourself. LOL…LMAO…

That was autocorrect moron. If u see the other posts you’d see it was spelled correctly previously. Nice reach tho. Come again Mr 20 Megahash man. I would LOOOOOVE to see your rig Mr 20 Megahash man. Kindly post this rig that can’t parse a JSON file. Please?!? Enlighten us on what an Authoritative genius like u has hashing away.

Your spelling is so atrocious that you NEED autocorrect???


May I please see your 20 Megahash stash please?!? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: I bet your teeth are mustard yellow and your rig is congested with dust and lint. I can just sense it. :joy::joy:

Only if you admit that you are wrong and take full responsibility for it.

Only when u admit that ur an absolute moron for refuting ping times to the same servers from the other side of the world. U still don’t get it. What a moron you are. Classic sociopath/narcissist. Show me that dusty ass 20 Megahash stash u have and STFU. This was funny and all, BUT until u disprove my yellow mustard teeth and 20 Megahash stash statements, I can no longer participate. As I have 3.2GH/s to look after.