Thanks! Merry Christmas. You rock. I keep overthinking it and just leaving it blank and adding T-Rex and TeamRedMiner worked out of the box. I added the straps it suggested.
amdmemtweak --RC 35 --RP 13 --RAS 22 --REF 65500 --RFC 148 --RRDL 4 --RRDS 4 --RCDRD 12 --RCDWR 4
Hi everyone, I would have the possibility to take a Radeon VII, I would like to rig it with RX6800 and RX 6600. I am using kernel version 5.10.0-hiveos # 83 and OS version 0.6-212@211130 and TeamReadMiner as miner . Is activation of state C still required on this tab? Or with the latest versions of Hiveos this is not necessary? Thank you
First time using the VII. I installed latest HiveOS .216, and the Grub file looks different then the one in the instruction (witch was written for HiveOS .195) - it has more commands at the end of the “GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT” line. Anyway, I inserted commands as instructed, but when I try to update it the error 54 occurs…
Any suggestions?
I’m desperate enough to even try it with .195
I am running the current “latest stable kernel” #83 at the time of this post with the following running and I have not seen a material change in this grub process for over a year:
I carefully red the whole post, and it turns out [Fribbes] has already gave the solution - do not copy the " from the text. do you own " behind 1024
And it worked!!!
Thnx [Fribbes]
Здравствуйте хочу поделится с вами опытом использования 7 и добычей на нем примерно 100 хэшей на низких температурах и малом потреблении… teamredminer v.
For Radeon VII Hynix
amdmemtweak --RTP 6 --REF 7500 --RCDRD 13 --RP 13 --RRDS 3 --FAW 12 --RAS 25 --RC 38
core 1675
vdd 935-960
mem 1125
For Radeon VII Samsung rev.1
amdmemtweak --CL 20 --RC 34 --RP 8 --FAW 12 --RAS 22 --REF 65535 --RCDRD 11 --RCDWR 12
core 1650
vdd 935-960
mem 950
For Radeon VII Samsung rev.2
amdmemtweak --ref 7500 --faw 15 --rcdrd 13 --rp 13 --rrds 3 --rc 38 --ras 25
core 1750
vdd 935-960
mem 1050
если карта на самсунге то выбирайте один из этих вариантов! если ката начинает реджектить то значит вам другой вариант! лично по опыту использую 2года все четко
чтобы не слетало 10 бит при обновлениях hive надо прописать в: nano /hive/etc/grub.custom
Just remember to follow TRM R-mode guide as mentioned. I’m also using “–kernel_vm_mode=RR” as a parameter.
And I tweaked settings a bit better. It’s now running at 110MH/s:
There’s a weird behavior though. Every time I reboot the rig, hashrate drops to 106MH/s. I then manually change core clock by 10MHz and it gets back to 110Mh/s. So my core clock is 1790 or 1800Mhz.