Xmr-stak 2.4.7 IndeedMiners cryptonight-heavy broken

Has anyone managed to fix this?

There’s a new release 2.4.8

Can anyone compile and try it?

Compiled tried working good not more errors with the new release 2.4.8

please, how do I get it to go on HiveOS?

I managed to compile it, here’s a tutorial https://www.facebook.com/groups/1933706423562578/permalink/2053586371574582/

Yes 2.4.8 seems fixed problem with cn-heavy. Performance also seems like in original 2.4.3
Going upload to Hive repository

Any idea when it will be up? Will we need to update our hiveOS version?

THX mate, I learned to compile xmr-stak :slight_smile:

Managed to implement the fork on the web interface

  1. Navigate to /hive/xmr-stak
  2. rm -rf indeedminers
  3. mkdir indeedminers
  4. cd indeedminers
  5. wget http://dl.dropbox.com/s/7utmwn0p7au72n2/xmrstak248.zip
  6. unzip xmrstak248.zip

Now you can run the miner using the selected fork on the wallet section and it shows up on the web interface :wink:

I get a missing shared library libmicrohttpd.so.10

Thank you Octavio for getting it this far.

After running apt-get update
apt-get install libmicrohttpd10 libmicrohttpd-dev libssl-dev libhwloc-dev

The miner started, but the shares are still being rejected. I tried 2 separate pools.

It’s working just fine here.
Did you setup your coin correctly?

xmr-stak was updated 2.4.8 and working fine now both forks :slight_smile: