05-54 stability problem?

After upgrade 05-54, i have issues about restart and wallet change problem .
Server cant get config change messages or cant reboot sometimes. Also i get message like :

No config /hive-config/rig.conf
No miner set in config, will use default “claymore”

Is ther anybody has issues after upgrade?

Yes, I have the same problem on one of the machines


gets caught in these screens

apt-get install -y --allow-downgrades hive=0.5-51 or 53

Fix your GPU6’s voltage. It is too low and your system is freezing because of that.
Undervolt actually works with 54, so you should adjust your overclock.

Users divided into two camps - “super, thank you” and “return everything back.” In the second category, usually owners of rigs with 12+ cards or those who have some trash in vbios