3070ti and 3080/3080ti/3090 ALU cooling plates (replaces thermal pads)

Location: Slovenia, EU

Selling Item:
For sale - ALU plates for cooling VRAM elements on Nvidia GDDR6x cards - 3070ti, 3080/3080ti/3090.
Easy installation & excellent results. Installation support over chat if needed.

Tested temeprature drop on:

  • 3070ti in range 30-40°C
  • 3080 in range 30-35°C
  • 3080ti in range 22-30°C

Payment possible over revolut, paypal, crypto…
For details - messenger David Perme.


Price: 15€/piece, shipping 10 € worldwide

Messenger: David Perme (facebook messenger and profile)

There is extended topic here (if facebook link is allowed):

Hey, is this a 1mm plate or 2mm?
I am interested in ordering one if it fist on a PNY 3080 TI.

I have 0.8 mm, 1mm and 1.5 mm plates available.
90% of cards are best with 1.5mm.

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