A bit of help with overclocks

I’ve been buying a few gpus lately and since I started adding more RXs the overclocking seems a bit more difficult than my Nvidia farm. Just wanted to see if I could get some feed back on overclocks to fix the problems I’m getting. Thank you if you need any more information let me know. BTW I have done PolarisBiosEditor mod to every single card on this rig.

Are you sure you did the bios mod correctly? Usually settings like 1150 core clock and 850 core voltage is ok , also 800 memory controler voltage and 2050 mem clock. Your core voltage is too high and tou get mich heat and consumption. Correct it for better results.

Thanks your overclocks worked perfect. The one on RED that is marked there even with the overclocks you suggested stayed at same watts. All the other ones went down a bit on wattage. And the 2 BLUE ones. If I put the same overclock the wattage goes all the way up to 144W. And temp rises to 72c. But in does I’m mining RVNcoin if it makes any difference.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks again for your help. :sunglasses:

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