GPU1 : ASRock AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT (pcie 5), OpenCL 2.0, 6 GB VRAM, 36 CUs
GPU2: ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 3GB (pcie 6), CUDA cap. 6.1, 3 GB VRAM, 9 CUs
Just added the second GPU and now getting this error and rebooting.
(GPUZ: Allocating DAG (4.84) GB; good for epoch up to #492
(CUDA error in CudaProgram. cu:393 : out of memory (2)
GPU2: CUDA memory: 2.95 GB total, 2.88 GB free
GPU2 initMiner error: out of memory
Fatal error detected.
GPU1: Free VRAM: 5.922 GB; used: 0.062 GB
Any advice?