Asus b250 - worker stuck and not connecting


I recently dug out my ASUS B250 Mining Expert motherboard, and setup my first farm and worker last night.

The system specs are as follows:

CPU - intel i3-6100T
RAM - HyperX 8GB DDR3
SSD - 512GB (spare 2.5" SSD)
MB - ASUS B250 Mining Expert
GPUs - see below
PSU - EVGA 1000 Watt GQ

I have a Radeon RX590, Vega FE and RX 6800XT setup. During the initial setup I was not able to have the Vega and 6800XT mine for some reason.

I then swapped in a EVGA 1070Ti to have the following : RX 590 + 6800XT + 1070Ti

I have a Vega 64, and decided to swap out the RX590.

I turned the worker/system off, and replaced the RX590 with the Vega 64; However, when I powered the worker back on, it isn’t communicating with the HiveOS farm web portal.

The Overview of the worker still shows the previous setup with the RX590, 6800XT and 1070Ti? It appears that it has lost connection?

I have cleared CMOS (unplugged and pulled battery for 1 minute), manually powered it on and off.

Since I just restarted and have not been hashing yet, would it be easier to delete the worker and create a new one and drop the rig.conf file into the SSD?

do you have a monitor you can plug into the board to see if its getting stuck on something?


I am getting an error that says the following below:

Build HiveOS/release/gnu

CUDA Error : No CUDA-Capable device is detected
Error: No usable mining devices found

ethminer exited (exitcode=0), waiting to cool down a bit

skipping miner log rotation due to execution time

Don’t use ethminer. There are many better supported newer miners. What Nvidia driver?

I erased the ssd and started fresh. however, I am having issues with my radeon 6800XT not doing anything :frowning:

any messages in the miner itself if you open it in the shell?

Basically, I didn’t have enough power. I am currently up to two 6800 XTs and two Vega 64 cars running on the ASUS B250 with two EVGA 1000 Watt PSUs.

They have all been modified within HiveOS and hash rates are 59-62 for the 6800 XTs and 50 for the Vega 64’s.

I tried to add a RX 590+ Nitro, but then it was reporting low wattage for that card and the system kept crashing and rebooting.

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