Can I install docker on HiveOS?

Hey all, I was just curious if it was feasible to install docker on Hive0S to run small things like PiHole, OpenVPN, Portainer to manage them since containers of that nature shouldn’t, afaik, affect gpu usage and have a tiny impact on CPU and MEM usage? I did some leg work but my searches have come up very empty.

Thanks in advance for any insight on the matter! Good Hashes!

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whatever you install on the machine running HiveOS will most likely get wiped once you update HiveOS to another version. The only working solution I found for now is to do it vice versa - run Unraid as the main system and then install HiveOS as a VM. Unfortunately, there’s still no official docker application that helps to maintain HiveOS on the machine. Whenever you update, you could possibly end up re-installing the HiveOS VM.

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