Cannot Copy Rig.Conf file to my SSD Drive; Using Mac, any alternatives?


I have successfuly flashed my drive with hiveOS, but now I cannot upload my rig.conf to it. Using mac and going in circles, any suggestions on how to make it work with Mac? I was told PC is much better, but trying to make it happen with Mac for now. Thanks!

I also use Mac to flash HiveOS drive on the SSD when I install a new mining rig. I use NTFS for Mac to allow me to drag and drop the rig.conf file in the root folder of the SSD Drive for HiveOS.

There’s a free trial for NTFS for Mac, simply search on Google for it.

I haven’t tried it but it seems you don’t have to add the rig.conf file in the root folder of the SSD Drive. I think you can simply enter the Worker ID and password when you boot the first time HiveOS on your mining rig. For that you need to plug a monitor on your mining rig.

Let me know how it goes?

I followed your NTFS advice and it worked my man. Thank you, I really appreciate you.

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remove hard drive plug into working pc (windows easier) with external adaptor or as second hdd download config from hive os after worker was created or just edit in notepad all instructions on hiveos main page

Did you try to open a terminal and use sudo cp? #sudo cp /Directorywhererig.confis /wherehiverootismounted

So if rig.conf was in /Documents and hiveos root directory is mounted to /media/hiveroot your command would be…

#sudo cp /Documents/rig.conf /media/hiveroot

I don’t use macOS but I am pretty sure it is the same in Unix as it is in Linux.

You could also use the mv command instead of cp.

You could also use sudo vi /whereverhiveosrootismounted and paste the contents of rig.conf inside a new file and save it as rig.conf.

Assuming you have the image loaded AND it is set to boot up…

You should be able to go through “first run” routines with a direct attached keyboard and monitor.

Have your rig ID, set your password via the command prompts at boot into Hive OS.

( I run MacOS as well)

Think you can mount the volume using mounty. Think it works better than ntfs for mac

Once mounted, you can copy the rig file, and adjust your network if you need

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