Until a week ago I was minning CFX with 2 rigs: 8x1660Ti and 8x1660S.
There was a power cut and when I tried to restart the rigs, using same overclocks, miners, pools, etc. they wouldn’t start mining. The error was “CUDA Error: out of memory (err_no=2)” with nbminer or “Trex not enough free memory to mine octopus at epoch 112” with TREX, I tried using different miners (T-rex, nbminer or nanominer) without any change. I’ve also tried removing the OC’s, same error. I’ve updated the HIVEOs to the latest version and also changing pools…
According to this, without any miner running the free space is ~5.9gb so it should work…is there a way to run the miner without downloading any DAG file to check the free space after the miner inits?