Custom miner: xmrig-nvidia (Krassus)

An updated XMRig-Nvidia 2.8.4 CUDA 8.0 miner is available for download.

  • Impoved cn/2 performance for old GPUs
  • Better cn/2 autoconfig for old GPUs if variant -1 or 2 selected

For those who use my integration, need to use the following command(run command at hiveos web-interface) to update:
custom-get -f

For initial installation - use the instructions on the page:

Updated miner configurator available here

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How to setup the most profitable and efficient mining pool?

– It’s quite easy! As you know the most profitable and efficient mining pool is
So you should choose it in pool list:

Next window choose “Rigs”:

When you select miner click “Show all” button and choose “Custom”:

In custom miner config use variable %URL% to set pool_url:port:

That’s all! Let’s go to the Moon!
Теперь по-русски

Как настроить майнер на самый прибыльный и эффективный пул?

– Очень просто! Как вы все знаете самый прибыльный и эффективный пул - это
Поэтому его и нужно выбрать в списке предустановленных пулов:

В следующем окне выберите “Rigs”:

При выборе майнера нажмите кнопку “Show all” и выберите “Custom”:

В настройках кастомного майнера используйте переменную %URL%, что бы задать адрес_пула:порт:

Вот и всё! Полетели на Луну!

Thanks for this, any suggestions for 1070ti cards overclocking settings?
and also any suggestions on how to get maximum hashrate from this miner?

Are you sure about that? I’ve downloaded xmrig-nvidia-2.8.3.tar.gz and it has exactly the same content as xmrig-nvidia-2.8.0_rc.tar.gz except for two lines in h-manifest.conf:
in newer one:
and in older one:

Can you please explain this? It is clearly the old 2.8.0-rc version.

I’ve checked it once again. It’s really 2.8.3.

Looks like you’re doing something wrong. Try to udpate the miner by running command
custom-get -f

You’re right, I apologize. -f option (to reinstall it) did the trick. At first I just changed the URL in the flight sheet.

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v2.8.4 is out. Could you please upload new version?

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Update the miner by running command:
custom-get -f

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Everyone, check your configs!
Somebody mines to my Turtlecoin wallet)))