End kernel panic not syncing attempted to kill init exit code 0x00007f00

После установки на флешку поледнего образа хайва hive-0.5-76-20180924. При его первом запуске на ферме выдает такую ошибку: “end kernel panic not syncing attempted to kill init exit code 0x00007f00” и дальше не грузится. В чем причина???

After installing the stick the last image Hiva hive-0.5-76-20180924. At its first start on a farm gives the following error: “end kernel panic not syncing attempted to kill init exit code 0x00007f00” and further is not loaded. The reason???

Have the same problem for just one of three hiveos-0.6-10@190106 installations on identical hardware. Identical rigs, identical model sticks except working sticks have 16gb, not working stick has 32gb. Have bought another 16gb stick - all works.

Just want to share,

Have same problem, in my case, the flash disk stick is good, the old HDD was bad. Just replace that bad naughty HDD to the new one… voila…
Hope this help other people.