Error Booting Hive OS with triple boot

I had dual boot windows and Ubuntu 18.04 working fine. I had a USB boot of HiveOS that was working as well. I shrunk the Ubuntu partition and created the two partitions for HiveOS. 20 MB FAT16 and 7 GB Ext3

I was in Ubuntu and ran the following to copy my flash drive data to my new partitions.
dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/dev/sda6 status=progress
dd if=/dev/sdb4 of=/dev/sda7 status=progress

I then updated grub to see the new OS. Everything seems to work and grub showed my the 3 OSes at boot to pick from. Windows and Ubuntu 18.04 still work fine. When I select the HivOS Ubuntu boot gives the following error

“Config directory /hive-config is not mounted please check filesystem.”

I am able to mount that drive in Ubuntu 18.04 and see the configs are the same as when it was on the flash drive.

Any help woudl be greatly appericated.

Nevermind, I figured it out. I was stupid and forgot to remove the USB stick after copying it all to the SSD. Likely a conflict with two partitions labeled HIVE. After moving USB stick and rebooting all is well.

For anyone else who might run into this error, I had the same thing happening to me - I had an old image on the SSD and was trying to boot to a newer image on a flash drive. It would boot to a certain point then give the error:

“Config directory /hive-config is not mounted please check filesystem.”

The solution was to use a ubuntu (or any) live image on a USB and delete the partitions on the SSD. Then the system booted fine from the USB flash drive and I could test/copy the config over to the SSD.