Error Startup Hiveos

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to try again to boot into default mode.
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On SSD, i’s pretty sure xD I had the same problem, on USB no problem

From what I read on the forum - looks like this happens with new HiveOS image. Try using 05-32.

I have try all version, at each time i have a problem (not always the same) bu with usb 0 problem

Same problem. Just bought ssd and hive can’t load. USB works fine. WTF?

same problem, no help from support, no solution((

I have this same problem too, on USB no problem.
I spend 2 hours to fix it, but still not work.

[quote=“wongtszchiu;3816”]I have this same problem too, on USB no problem.
I spend 2 hours to fix it, but still not work. [/quote]

And the ssd is SATA ssd, I have another rig using msata has no problem with hiveos.

In my case problem solved using 05-32 image version