Failed to start resolvconf-pull-resolved.service

Hi all,

I have spent a couple hours reading through the community pages for some sort of similar issue as mine but I haven’t found one.

I’ve been running HiveOS for a while on this PC. I recently had a hardware upgrade so I popped in an RTX 3080 Ti and updated my system BIOS. When I went to boot back into HiveOS I was met with this error. I created a new worker and downloaded the config file and no dice. I downloaded the newest version of HiveOS and flashed it onto my drive and same error. I flashed onto an old USB drive and same error. I bought a drive cage for an SSD that I had laying around and same error.

I have seen other errors mixed in from time to time like:

  1. [drm:nv_drm_load [nvidia_drm]] ERROR [nvidia-drm]
  2. [FAILED] Failed to start resolveconf-pull-resolved.service. See ‘systemctl status resolvconf-pull-resolved.service’ for details
  3. Boot setting: MAINTENANCE_MODE="", DISABLE_GUI=""
    Loading NVIDIA drivers, 1 GPU (this one just goes to a black screen but never loads to anything, even after 20 - 30 mins)

Linux 5.4.0-hiveos . H 0.6-204 . worker .
I’m running an AMD 5900X, Gigabyte Elite WiFi (on LAN) motherboard, EVGA 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra and a Seasonic 850w PSU.

Anyway, I’m looking for any suggestions or additional troubleshooting steps that I may have missed. Maybe I’m just being dumb and set something up in correctly, is this enough information to determine this?


check this if it can help you ubuntu 18.04+headless_390+intel iGPU after prime-select intel lost contact to GeFORCE 1050ti - Linux - NVIDIA Developer Forums

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