Fake hashrate NBMiner v39.7?

Recently a new version of NBMiner has been released - v39.7. I have a rig of 12 cards 3060ti lhr, I decided to give it a try and was happy with the noticeably increased hash rate. However, a day later, I noticed a slightly decreased income per day and began to study statistics. NBMiner reports that the total hash rate of the rig is about 542 MH / s and it is stable, while the pool statistics say an average hash rate of 506-508 MH / s. I thought it was some kind of anomaly and decided to wait, but after a day nothing changed. Today I returned to lolminer and after 12 hours I already see that the statistics return to their usual values ​​- the average hash rate from the pool is equal to the miner’s readings minus 1-2 percent.
Maybe someone else will watch their statistics? I want to understand - is it just me a bad experience, or are the authors of NBMiner cheating with the hash rate readings?

Think hivepool takes a long time to get the average to the actual average. It took me a long time to reach something even close to the reported value (over 24h). However, not sure the average would ever be the same (the pool fee?). Imagine there are a couple of other factors that might affect this.

One is the dev fee, that lowers your actual hashrate. Would imagine if your connection to the pool has issues, it would lower your average rate. Would imagine this might account for the wild variation in the real-time rate. Could just as well be as you propose that the miner is a bit optimistic lol

NBMiner - v39.7 I had in work for about two days, about 20,000 shares were sent, which is quite enough, in my opinion, to equalize the statistics. I have 3 rigs, no pool fee required. Development fee - I agree, but not 8 percent! There were no problems with the connection, two days of continuous work. Fluctuations in instantaneous performance are normal, and this is what the average hash rate is for.

just my thoughts on why I wasn’t seeing the same amount. Maybe someone with more experience might have a better idea.

In my case I’m seeing an average of about 34.5—35- with a value of 35.7 on nbminer. So not as bad as you, only about a 2–4% difference after 24h. The two lines are very close, but never touching

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