GPU slots 8 to 12 not working

Hi everyone:

Okay so I got a brand new BT360 Pro Motherboard. I have installed all properly and mining very well with 6 GPU’s so far. I have used slots 0 to 7. However GPU slots 8 to 12 do not work. Even if I switch for example riser USB connector from lets say working slot 5 and try on any slot 8 or above it does not show the red light on the USB connector.

I know the GPUS are good and I’m almost 100% sure that simply slots 8 to 12 are not powered. But I’m using 2 PSU’s and only running 6 GPUS 1080ti so there is plenty of power for at least 2 more GPUS so I do not understand why slots 8 to 12 are simply not responding.

Looking into BIOS all slots are set the same as Auto for Gen. I tried before set all to Gen 1 and Gen 3 and results the same.

Not sure what I am missing and why only slots 0 to 7 have power and slots 8 to 12 not. Even if I unplug all GPUS and only connect from 8 to 12 will not work. So basically I can only get power on slots 0 (the main longer one) and 1 to 7 the smaller ones.

If you guy have any ideas with your expertise I can try a few things. :slight_smile: Thanks

is the bios on the latest? does a single card work if you install it on one of the last slots?

Yes the BIOS is updated to the lasted version and if I plug one single card on a slot from 8 to 12 it does not light up only from slot 0 to 7.

Could be a faulty board then if all your bios settings are what they should be

Maybe, just in case is there any thread here where I can check the full settings for BT360 Pro 2.0 Motherboard. I could look again and check if nothing is missing or something that others are applying in settings that I need to change. I just don’t know what in setting could make some slots to work from 0 to 7 and 8 to 12 not makes no sense as all PCE on BIOS are set equally the same but who knows a hidden teak is needed to have all of them working.

Apart from that I’m running it on Windows 10 but I don’t think it should be an OS issue but if so let me know where i can look into Windows settings.

Have you tried on hive?

Assuming you’ve set everything to match this

Hi I have note tried on Hive but what I will do is that as I have a second rig I will put on this week with all the same motherboard and GPU’s, I will make sure I will look into these settings and see if it will solve the issue instead of stopping this current rig now as it is being stable and mining very well with the current 6 GPU’s.

Once I set the second rig I will work on that to make sure all 12 slots will work, and once I achieve that I will then stop the first rig and look into BIOS again and make sure it matches the second rig (assuming I will be successful in running all planned 9 GPU’s for second rig).

Then I will know if it is a faulty motherboard or if it was a BIOS setting. I will also write here the results. Thanks for the help so far.

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I think I found our the reason. I need to power those 2 extra AUX slots as well in order to have power on all GPU’s The thing is I cannot understand how as I do not have any cable for CPU that with a 6 pin end to connect. Maybe this connection requires to be from a separated PSU or power source? Please let me know how to feed into these 2 AUX ports meaning the right cables and the right source.

those are just standard pcie power 6 pins, same as you would use on a gpu

Yes but is the main feed on the PSU to be connected to CPU or VGA slot? I tried few cables and the motherboard does not start so obviously some cable is wrong.

Also do I need to power both AUX or just one will do? So far no luck nothing starts if I plug.

Those are pcie power cables. Don’t connect a pcie power cable (commonly used for gpus) to a port that’s labeled cpu.

Ok I will try VGA port. Do you know if those AUX porta are mandatory in order for have power on all GPU slots?

You’d have to check the documentation on your board. Some don’t require but I believe some do

Look at the motherboard and the graphics card slots. Turn on the computer and check if the graphics card is running e.g. its fan is running. If the graphics card doesn’t turn on then the issue might be with the slot i.e. the slot might be faulty or damaged . Turn off your computer and take out the graphics card

The 6pin AUX ports are power outputs, NOT power inputs. A few answers to such questions in the FAQs section on the main site:

Have (1) GPU on the bench, but here are 11 GPUs powered by (2) 1600w ATX supplies, using onboard M2SATA for HiveOS, and having the iGPU enabled for a small always on touch panel monitor. Please note, the (2) rows of PCI slots are not continuous, meaning the addresses assigned jump back and forth between rows:

@ Richardgravener thankyou for your suggestion

Look at the motherboard and the graphics card slots bootvibe. Turn on the computer and check if the graphics card is running e.g. its fan is running. If the graphics card doesn’t turn on then the issue might be with the slot i.e. the slot might be faulty or damaged . Turn off your computer and take out the graphics card

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