I have several hundred 30 series cards and almost all my Strix and 3080 FTW3 have this issue, they will be mining fine on my Asus Z390-P and as I am phasing that board out for the Biostar Expert/Pro 2.0 boards I find my GPU tend to “die”
They work completely fine, board swap, and then they just show 0 GPU
When I remove the GPU to my Windows test bench the GPU will boot but no longer post. I have to assume some driver issue is happening but how am I to fix these issues if the GPU shows up empty in the PCI Slot on my Windows machine?
if the gpu isnt showing up in windows its not gonna be a driver issue if its happening on linux too. i have 100+ 30 series, mostly evga and FE though. most have been running for 1-1.5 years and havent had a single one fail aside from a few asus cards fans (3060 phoenix, 3060ti mini, and strix 3080)
It’s tough to say without knowing the setup/process/conditions etc. How many have you had fail in this way? Have you sent any in for rma/ to see exactly what part failed?