My rig consistently shows 110MHs as the hash rate. However, my pool shows the hash rate as being half that. And it 51 (81%) stale shares.
Reported HR Current HR Avg HR Valid Shares Stales Shares
110.0 MH/s 50.2 MH/s 65.0 MH/s 12 (19%) 51 (81%) 0 (0%)
What could be happening? I didn’t experience anything like this before.
Thank you
Is anyone else seeing this? I’m only mining ETH. I’m seeing the stale share rate drop. Could have been the latest update. I’m not even sure the best way to see the miner output in real-time to troubleshoot this.
check your internet connection
81% of stale shares it’s too high - try found another pool server which near to you
Interesting. I didn’t know it could be the internet connection (there isn’t too much latency). I will watch that.
I rebooted after the update - just to flush things out. It has improved a lot since then.
Reported HR |Current HR |Avg HR |Valid Shares| Stale Shares |Invalid Shares
110.0 MH/s |97.0 MH/s |86.8 MH/s |86 (98%) |2 (2%) |0 (0%)
Even the Current HR and Reported HR are closer than they’ve been.