I’m trying to mine dual coin Kaspa ( KAS ) + Radiant (RXD) with bzminer but I dont know how to set up cause second coin is disable when I selected KAS or RXD at first coin.
Some youtuber said me to apply this config
- Config: -a kaspa -p stratum+tcp://pool.sg.woolypooly.com:3112 -w $wallet.$rigName --a2 radiant --p2 stratum+tcp://pool.us.woolypooly.com:3122 --w2 1Jxas3fNsdxuua8f5RFmGDSyupM5S5n6fM.$rigName --max_dual_autotune_drop 0.92
But when I set it in Extra config arguments in Flightsheets: it said Input format error
Can someone help me to set it manually or give me some example video, i will very appreciate that.
The link that they dual mining KAS + RXD but in another OS: