Hive Flasher Problem

I’m trying to flash HiveOS from a USB drive to a M.2 card on my rig.
the M.2 has Windows 10 installed

I boot up on the USB
I get to the flasher utility
Finds hiveos image

Detected other disk /dev/sda
Error: /dev/sda: unrecognized disk label
ATA Team TM8PS7512G 512GB

Goes thru Farm Hash and such

starts writing image to /dev/sba
And then I get:
ntfs-3g: Failed to access volume ‘dev/sda1’ : No such file or directory

gives me copyright info

Unable to mount /dev/sda1
and leaves me at the prompt

Any suggestions on what I can do to get this flashed onto my drive?

Are you booting from the m.2 into windows then trying to flash that same drive? What’s on the usb drive?

No I’m booting from the USB drive.

Have you tried balena etcher or Rufus?

If that doesn’t work you can always just flash a usb drive with hiveos and then dd if/of to the m.2

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