HiveOn Pool down?

What a loser. I can almost smell your breath from here and your dusty 20MH/s machine is causing my allergies to act up. Have a good day Mr. 20 MEGAhash man. Don’t let those bed bugs bite.


You’re still wrong.

Cover your mouth. Your breath stinks. :joy:. Oops, forgot your avatar. :relieved:


It says a LOT about you when even a stupid person such as myself can prove/demonstrate that you are wrong.


Go spend your time on Fortnite looking for your next date.



You already have the perfect avatar picture: the cowardly lion from The Wizard of Oz.

(Cuz you’re too much of a coward to admit when you’re wrong.)


gawd your MS Paint skills are AWFUL!

Is that the BEST that you can do?

It looks like it was done by a 12 year old. Oh wait…

Speaking of which, isn’t your gf waiting for you on Fortnite?



Have yourself a lovely evening.

Enjoy Fortnite.


Goodbye Mr. 20 MEGAhash man.

You probably don’t even get the Fortnite reference.

Good night.



Later, Felicia.


See Yaaaaaa

Well, what do we have here folks. The genius Mr. Aplha here just 3hours ago posted this. So this KID has been on this thread for two days straight writing 2,000 word essays on how his “data” that consisted of two pings to servers, lol, proved me wrong. His servers were GREAT and he’s been “enjoying” 20MS ping times from his servers. MEANWHILE, the clown didn’t even have a clue that his rigs were down and not mining during the very same outage we were discussing on this thread. The very same outage that he so vehemently denied. You couldn’t make this up I swear. Look at his cute post asking what the refund he received was for. Isn’t he just a cutie pie?!?!? The clown had NO IDEA that his servers were even down. So everyone, please have a moment and read through Mr. Alphas posts and his “data”. Now that you see his new post, it’ll put things into quite the comical perspective. You’re witnessing a Class A narcissist folks, and not a very bright one at that.

EDIT: Look, the narcissist in him won’t let him give up. He’s back for more. I gave him the opportunity to save face by deleting his posts, but noooooo, a narcissist will be a narcissist.


Awww… @anon36430427 has a fetish for me.

He will call me stupid, but then fails to realise that it’s NOT the insult that he thinks it is (to me) because even someone who is stupid (me) can prove that he is WRONG by simply running the ping test and am able to show the data which achieves that @anon36430427 says I shouldn’t be able to see (“you won’t see ping times under 80ms”.)

By his own admission, he says that I see 20ms ping times, which, according to him, I shouldn’t/won’t see that. And yet, I do.

Grow the fuck up.

Learn when to quit whilst you’re ahead rather than digging your own grave further when you have already CLEARLY been proven wrong.

You write about being humble and yet you can’t admit when you’re wrong and take RESPONSIBILITY for it.

Grow the fuck up.

And this is ON TOP of the fact that you made it a point to point out that you’ve been working in IT since 1998 and that this is what you do for a living.

Fuck. If a stupid person can prove you wrong JUST by doing the thing that you said that shouldn’t be possible, then your initial statement and premise is evidently and CLEARLY wrong.

You want to talk about being humble?

You STILL can’t admit that you’re wrong and take responsibilty for it when the data, in this data-driven, evidence-based discussion CLEARLY shows that.

And the fact that you haven’t learned to admit when you’re wrong and to take responsibility for your own shit in your 23 years of working in IT professionally, explains why you are STILL doing the same shit you’ve always been doing and you haven’t progressed/advanced (in life and professionally).

And the fact that a “kid” can school your ass in professional responsibility and liability and what it means to be a man (i.e. being able to admit when you’re wrong) tells us all that you still have a LOT of growth and development opportunities ahead of you.

Good fucking luck with that.

“EDIT: Look, the narcissist in him won’t let him give up. He’s back for more. I gave him the opportunity to save face by deleting his posts, but noooooo, a narcissist will be a narcissist.”
Says the person who went out of his way to look for and find my latest post and to jump on it.

Apparently @anon36430427 is a what you would call a cyberstalker.

Go play with your gf on Fortnite.

Look folks, you have been blessed with another essay of ramblings from a lower IQ narcissist. Take notes folks. Notice, that even after his last 30 posts have been deducted to nothing but ramblings from a maniac, he continues to defend his position. A position of NONSENSE. I would hate to be this clown’s sibling. Can u imagine living with a class A psychopath like this?

“Look folks, you have been blessed with another essay of ramblings from a lower IQ narcissist. Take notes folks.”

Says the guy who’s taken it upon himself to write essays of his own.

Except that his “essays” aren’t really essays and more along the lines of “pointless ramblings from a stalker”. LOL…

On the other hand, the only thing that @anon36430427’s latest post demonstrates is that apparently he has a fetish for me. I mean, why else would you bother taking the time to LOOK for a specific person’s post if it wasn’t because you have a fetish for them?

Now, go jerk off in the corner to the stupid person who was so easily and readily able to prove you wrong.

“A position of NONSENSE. I would hate to be this clown’s sibling. Can u imagine living with a class A psychopath like this?”
LOL…this discussion was over like 29 posts ago the MOMENT that I presented the data that proved contrary to your claim.

EVERYTHING else that you’ve written so far does NOTHING to address the fact that you are and CLEARLY have been proven wrong by the data.

Grow the fuck up.