HiveOn Pool down?

Dude at this point, just go jump out of the nearest window. Only in your pathetic train of thought do you even make any valid points. You’re just rambling now. Trying to still save face while the rest of the world sees what a pathetic moron u are. Go away. PLEASE do yourself a favor and go away. With every post you just dig yourself deeper and deeper, but with your obvious psychological issues, you don’t have the intellect to self-reflect and see how much of a moron and loser you are. It’s pathetic. You’re still debating my 80MS findings? Still talking about how u proved me wrong with your 20MS findings?!?!? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: U can’t make this stuff up. U didn’t even know ur servers were down moron. U jumped on a two day old thread meanwhile the bus had passed u already. What a loser man. Biggest loser I’ve encountered online to date.


You: “You won’t see a ping time under 80ms”


You: talks a whole bunch of shit since then, and NEVER actually saying anything that amounts to anything of substance when you have CLEARLY been proven wrong

This was 2 days ago that even I, as a stupid person, was able to so quickly, and so easily put what you said to the test and you have literally offered NOTHING in defence in this data-driven, evidence-based discussion.

You are wrong.


You’ve been proven wrong, by a stupid person, which only goes to show how stupid YOU must be if it was so easy for me, a stupid person, to prove YOU wrong.


And this is a point that you STILL can’t admit to, even now.

You. Are. Wrong. Period.

You said “you won’t see a ping time under 80ms”

Me: sees ping times under 80ms


Grow the fuck up.

Loser. Go away. EVERY single post just shows the world how much of a moron you are.


Look folks. Mr genius and his data. Lmaoooo. Didn’t even know his servers were down. Isn’t he cuuuuuute?


YOU are the one who resurrected this, NOT me.

You: “You won’t see a ping time under 80ms”


Me: sees ping times under 80ms

You: starts talking shit

Look. His 20MS ping times!! :joy::joy::joy::joy:



“Isn’t he cuuuuuute?”

You call other men cute?


Low and behold folks. The moron is still here claiming he’s right although he didn’t even know his rig was offline.


You’re flying solo on that one.

You: “You won’t see a ping time under 80ms”


Sees a ping time under 80ms

You: starts talking shit


Also Alpha: “my data was right, and you were wrong cause I got 20MS ping times. :joy::joy::joy:


"Also Alpha: “my data was right, and you were wrong cause I got 20MS ping times. "

You were wrong about “you won’t see ping times under 80ms”.

Like I said, this point was settled two days ago whether you are able to admit to you being wrong or not.

You are wrong. That’s just a fact. Whether you can admit to it or not is irrelevant.

APLHA: I was right all along cause I showed you my 20MS Ping times and u said u couldn’t get any less than 80MS.

ALSO ALPHA: What was this refund for?!?


ALSO ALPHA: not stupid enough to make a wrong claim about what other people may or may NOT see

But you are STUPID enough not to know how servers work and location of client and servers affect ping times. MORON.


Also Alpha:

“But you are STUPID enough not to know how servers work and location of client and servers affect ping times. MORON.”

And yet, despite that, all it took was a stupid person such as myself to prove that you are wrong.

The end. :smiley:

Says the person that didn’t have a clue his rig wasn’t connecting to the pool servers. He was testing hive API servers!!! :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:
I swear, this guy is a walking SNL skit. LOSERRRRRRRR

Says the person who, just because HE can’t see ping times under 80ms, would be stupid enough to make profess his idiotic statement:
“You won’t see a ping time under 80ms”

checks my ping times

my ping times are under 80ms

Therefore; @anon36430427 is wrong.

Go take your 20MH/s dusty ass somewhere else.

BWAHAHAHA…YOU were the one who had the fetish to resurrect this, not me.

Don’t pick/start a fight that you can’t finish.