HiveOS and UEFI


I’m just installed my first RIG with a MSI M360-F PRO with 5 AMD RX580.
For my first test, I use only 3 card with no problem.
When adding other card, the system don’t boot anymore.
After many search, the motherboard disable legacy mode and it set with UEFI. The HiveOS image is not UEFI. I found some post to set my motherboard parameters but nothing works.

An HiveOS version supporting UEFI boot is it available ? in roadmap ? or any suggestion to work ?


I found a solution to enable UEFI boot for HiveOS.
Following this : grub2 - Is it still possible to install Ubuntu to an external harddrive with UEFI? - Ask Ubuntu

Act at your own risk, it’s working for me:

  1. Install HiveOS on a SSD like the standard install procedure.
  2. Boot on a Linux Live CD.
  3. Create an ESP Partition on the SSD (type ef, size 5GB)
  4. Format ESP Partition in FAT32
  5. Disable Bootable on the HiveOS Linux Partition.
  6. Enable Bootable on the ESP Partition.
  7. Mount HiveOS Linux partition under /mnt/rootfs
  8. Mount ESP Partitition under /mnt/esp
  9. Install Grub on the SSD (in /dev/sdb here):
grub-install --efi-directory /mnt/esp --boot-directory /mnt/rootfs/boot --target x86_64-efi --bootloader-id "Ubuntu" /dev/sdb
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nice bro

What nice?

you have video about this/? I still can’t using this motherboard if morethan 4 gpu


Please, can you explain how did you manage to create a UEFI bootable Hiveos?

I’m trying since 2 days now to boot on USB stick with hive os installed on, but no matter what i do, it won’t boot. The install is well done, tired on another laptop, and it booted to Hiveos, but not on my Asus laptop.

My bios doesn’t have ny option to disable the UEFI boot or to enable Legacy. There’s absolutely nothnig in the bios which will let me go to legacy boot. I even did an update, but nothing added, no more options. I tried every thing to boot on the usb stick, made a ssd with Hive os, but still no boot.

I tried to do the Linux trick, but i have an error while i try to create a directory, access denied or something like that.


HiveOS already has a partition ready to go for a UEFI boot. All that needs to be done is install Grub’s EFI image to the EFI System partition and hiveroot partition.

On Ubuntu you can do this by the following:

  1. Plug in HiveOS drive
  2. Launch gnome-disks (disks)
  3. Mount EFI System (Usually 3rd partition) & hiveroot (4th partition, sometimes already mounted)
  4. Make note of Device (normally /dev/sda) & mounted locations of the EFI System (3rd partition) & hiveroot (4th partition)
  5. Install grub-efi-amd64-bin (sometimes already installed)
    sudo apt install grub-efi-amd64-bin
  6. Run the following to install & configuration Grub’s EFI image
    sudo grub-install --efi-directory /media/$USER/6FC2-583A --boot-directory /media/$USER/hiveroot/boot --target x86_64-efi --removable /dev/sda

The most important things to do is #'s 3,5,6.

I hope this helps.


If my user is ubuntu and my device on dev/sdd

efi on dev/sdd3
hiveroot on dev/sdd4

do I have to change “directory” to something or leave it the same?

It will help if you send me what to type exactly using the info I gave you.

This is what I’m typing:

sudo grub-install --efi-directory /media/$ubuntu/6FC2-583A --boot-directory /media/$ubuntu/hiveroot/boot --target x86_64-efi --removable /dev/sdd

And getting this error:

Installing for x86_64-efi platform.
grub-install: error: failed to get canonical path of `/media//6FC2-583A’.

Make sure you have $USER not $ubuntu. $ubuntu has no meaning.