HiveOS on Proxmox

Hi there,
Have anyone tried HiveOS on Proxmox VM?
If so, could you please guide me how you configured the VM and USB disk?

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also very interested if this is possible, or is there an ISO of HiveOS to upload into ProxMox?


hiveos is GPU+CPU management platform ( OS + Web platform )
the main purpose is to manage it remotely
using it in a virtual machine is totally pointless

not to mention you will need to vertualize every hardware
and AMD+ Nvidia does not support this on a consumer level hardware ( GTX, RTX, RX ) cards from them

don’t be ignorant with your negativity… learning is never pointless!

Hi all, this is very easy. I flashed the iso on USB drive and then passed through the USB drive to the Proxmox VM.
Then I passed through my 3070 to the hiveos.
And it works.

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i think you miss understood my words in bad way and i didn’t mean any bad or negativity my friend

my point is you are adding a layer to your mining operation that is unnecessary and/or it won’t add any benefits to any main things that is related to mining operation as well as hiveos features and functionality

if you are doing it for research and testing it is totally not bad … and of course it must work since it is already working with normal ubuntu linux since hiveos image is based on that

that is my whole point

To add more clarifications on this;
The purpose of adding HiveOS VM on proxmox is so that I can use other VMs (Windows) on the same hardware (except the GPU that passed to HiveOS and used for mining).

So that my other hardware (CPU, RAM, Mobo, PSU) are not completely occupied by HiveOS and can be used for other purposes.

my point is you are adding a layer to your mining operation that is unnecessary and/or it won’t add any benefits to any main things that is related to mining operation


  1. Testing (as you mentioned in the next sentence) without affecting your real production rigs. Took my real rig down for a week to play around with some other miners and missed a lot of mining that week. Never again.

I’d say its vital to any serious miner to have a test environment, and if it can be a VM then all the better because you’re not sacrificing real hardware for testing.

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