Homepage allows downloading of v0.5-12, but changelog lists latest 0.5-30

So we are expected to download old version and then upgrade?
What is the correct procedure here?
Or is download link stale?

I downloaded from the link, and after I installed it. It downloaded a ~20MB update file? not sure, but now I have 0.5-30

[quote=“sandrodz;274”]So we are expected to download old version and then upgrade?
What is the correct procedure here?
Or is download link stale?[/quote]
Latest image has 5.12 version and after first run it’s auto updates to latest version.
Sometimes it can not be done. If it happens then it can be easy upgraded from web or console

Great, all clear. Is update done via apt-get (since this is ubuntu base distro). Or hiveOS has some other mechanism?

selfupgrade command from console