I am trying to solo mine with ETChash (Ethereum Classic) using a proxy server (Stratu.ms). I have a feeling that my config file is either missing info or formatting or syntax errors. I have entered the following info on my flight sheet and proxy server…
Coin - ETC
Wallet - ETC address for my Exodus wallet (just the address in this field)
Pool - Chose Hiveon (checked both NA and Eur)
Miner - Team Red Miner (Using RX570’s)
Config file info
Hash Algorithm - ETChash
Wallet and Worker Template - %WAL%
Worker Name - %WORKER_NAME%
Pool URL - stratum+tcp://ca.stratu.ms:15097
Stratu.ms info
Stratum Name - ETC Rig
Closet Region - Canada, Toronto
Algorithm - ETChash
Pool - na-etc.hiveon.net:4444
User - solo:0x…3077 (my full wallet address is entered after ‘solo’)
Worker Name - Worker from machine
Password - x