How to withdraw mined ETH without knowing my IP address

The ETH has merged. I was asked to validate my account by typing in the public IP address of my highest performing worker to take out the mined ETH remained in my account.

The issue is that I am not able to start my rig now. There is an error saying “File system check of the root filesystem failed.”

In this case, is there any other way for me to get my IP address or is there any other way to withdraw the mined ETH in my account?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

Go to the worker overview tab for that worker, and look under remote ip on the bottom part of the page

The problem is such that the remote IP on the dashboard is different from the hint given? How can this be sorted… Thanks

If you’re on the same network go to one of the what’s my ip websites to see your external ip

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Yes, the IP in the dashboard is different from the hint. I find my IP by searching “my IP address” from a browser.

It works for me. Thanks!

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