Installation size of HiveOS?

I’m wondering about the space required by hiveos? I noticed that the image is 7 gb, but my online dashboard shows only 2gb available for my drives (32 gb). Is hiveOS using a pagefile/virtual memory to make the installation so large?

Lastly, why is it so large? I imagine hiveOS is built on ubuntu server?

As you noticed HiveOS distro takes about 7Gb image.
After flashing to drive filesystem has free space around 2.2Gb from 7Gb.
But rest of your drive (> image size) a free and not used by HiveOS.

You can resize your drive to use the whole space. You can do this … )

so it partitions into ~9gb for hiveOS and leaves the rest unused? Does that mean we can use a 10 gb drive?

Does hiveOS use a “virtual memory” allocation like windows? Is there a possibility and advantage of doing something like this?

you can resize ssd/hdd on the fly and use all available space

  • do search “howto resize partition under ubuntu linux” if you need all disk space and you have > 8gb drive size
  • hiveos don’t use swap (it’s like pagefile under windows) - it’s unnecessary (it’s maybe hard to imagine after windows but it’s true)
  • real hiveos size around 5Gb or less (linux base + drivers + some system app + mining software)
  • minimal drive size - it’s usb stick 8gb or similar ssd/hdd

Thank you very much, this is very good to know

In case you were wanting instructions on how to increase the filesystem:

you can use the command "disk-expand " on hiveos shell. hiveos will automaticaly expand the partition size to full disk size.

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