Issue with Deploy PXE

Hi All,

Has anyone run into issues with Deploy PXE, at last step I get error:

**An Error Has occurred ***
… Could Not Mount SMB Share and Server is not Clustered

Other question is… should the rig have an empty OS on disk (SSD in my case) or should rig be
pre installed with Ubuntu before Hive OS deployed with PXE?


OK issue has been fixed. Bad HiveoOS image was linked to the file. Updated to correct new hive .zip file, all went well.

Im now deploying to my rig farms via Deploy PXE, build rig, plug on private switch network, PXE boots up and HiveOS is deployed and flashed to the SSD.


I have the same error, what should be changed in the file?
=> (export HIVE_IMAGE_ARCHIVE =)

did u fix that issue? If yes, can u share fix?)


Long time I have not been in the forum.

This was fixed by changing to proper file name in the in the location /opt/cd_package

edit file and make sure that proper image file exists here:

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thx. But that dont fix my issue :frowning:
In logs i see this:

** Mounting SMB Share **

… Connecting To Local_Default
mount: mounting //mypxeip/cd_share on /storage failed: Permission denied
mount: mounting //mypxeip/cd_share on /storage failed: Permission denied
mount: mounting //mypxeip/cd_share on /storage failed: Permission denied
mount: mounting //mypxeip/cd_share on /storage failed: Permission denied

… Could Not Mount SMB Share

mb, someone have any ideas? (Ubuntu 16.04)

Now it fixed. (In http://mypxeip/clonedeploy i reenter pdw for cd_share_rw & cd_share_ro - and it fix my pervois issue. )

But now i have this on log:
“Unknown Error Occurred While Determining Minimum HD Size Required. Check the Exception Log”
mb “” is broken?)

Ok Great you fixed previous issue!

The new issue you mention is new for me too, just 3 days ago I started getting that issue with PXE Deploy. I sent in request to support and waiting on a solution.

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thx for your answer! I hope this will be resolved in the near future :slight_smile:
if u fix that, can u share how it fixing? :slight_smile:

Hopefully they can provide a fix for that PXE Deploy issue (“Unknown Error Occurred While Determining Minimum HD Size Required. Check the Exception Log”).

Once they do I will definitely share.