L3+ Recommended Update

  1. Control fan speed as it relates to temperature thresholds.
    I have acquired several L3+ and some of which have had the stock fan replaced with performance fans. These fans are insane and run at a higher RPM. There’s no need for a higher RPM because the L3+ are in an air conditioned environment; it would make more sense to adjust fan speed lower when temperature value has been met. Adjust up fan RPM when speeds increase. (In other words, activate variable speed fan RPM based on temperature parameters.)

  2. Shutdown at 80 Celsius.
    Only when I directly connect to the miner do I see the option to stop mining when 80 degrees Celsius has been achieved. It’d be nice to activate this option within the HiveOS interface and make it an option for all miners in a farm. Am I just missing this?

  3. Has there been any more significant updates to the kernel or any other optimizations? Just wondering.



Also, please verify that the SD card image to download is up to date at Hiveon|ASIC L3+/L3++ Firmware | Hive OS

When I downloaded that image file a few weeks ago to my SD card and used that SD card to manually force upgrade all my L3 machines, the version that shows up on HiveOS is 1.03@210218 … but it is possible to upgrade firmware through the interface to version 1.03@210319.

Also, with the popularity of Doge and LTC, I am looking forward to any improvements to this firmware… such as adjusting Fan RPM speed to keep temperatures constant as well as specifying reboot parameters from within HiveOS rather than having to remote into the local machine on a local network.


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