Latency Understaning - Different values in rigs for the same farm

I have multiple miners configured in the exact same way regarding “Flight Sheet” & internet connection. However, I do see big dispersion among the latency values

I thoughy latency was dependant on the pool & internet configuration.

Bests & thanks!

That’s cpu Load Average, not latency

amazing, thanks for the support keaton!

Hi Keaton, I’m having this message in one of my farms.
Is something that could be affecting my mininig performance?

Are you cpu mining?

Not really, I’m testing my miners perfomance with ctcx
I know how to fix the LA warning however I’m not aware of the problems and implications of having high LA

Try setting more conservative overclocks and rebooting. If you’re not cpu mining your load average should be a lot lower. Slow usb drivers can contribute to this as well

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