Low Hashrate after restarting PC (without both monitors on/connected)

Hello there!

I’ve been running my 1x GPU (Vega 64) setup a couple of weeks now and two things are bothering me from the get go.
Everytime I reboot my computer (and hiveOS ofc) both of my displays have to be on and/or connected, otherwise the hashrate goes down to ~7mh/s.s
The other thing is, after each reboot I’ve to stop the miner, change something in the overclocking settings and then restart the miner for it to only consume ~130 watts otherwise it will go up to over 220.

HiveOS is running from an USB-Stick (I know not optimal) and I’m using Phoenixminer.

Would be nice if someone would know an answer to those problems! :slight_smile: Thanks…

This solution helped me:

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