Miner appearing offline - Frustrating

Hi all,

Im relatively new to mining and have a rig with 13 GPU’s. On occasion the miner seems to hang and shows offline. This requires a hard restart on the motherboard to get it up and running again.

I have checked the logs but there isn’t anything in them to suggest what the issue could be. I thought the rig may be losing internet connection as im using a TP-Link power line adapter but I have setup a script to ping google.com and if this fails, the script automatically reboots the rig. It seems that after a reboot the miner never starts or does start as on the physical monitor it just hangs and I cant interact.

Sometimes the rig can be on all night, and day and not crash but then will crash for no reason. Ive never really had a full straight week without some issue with it being offline.
Ive done a lot of research on the overclocks, and nothing points to that being the issue either. Im mining Ethereum with ethermine using nbminer.
Any suggestions would be great. See attached screenshots.

Just to add I rarely get any invalid shares and I am using the Hashrate Watchdog.
Just been checking the logs abit more and discovered that the rig reboots but then cant resolve api.hiveos.farm and then hangs. Not sure why this is happening

Jul 28 05:51:37 GarageMiner hive[1077]: > Sending Hello
Jul 28 05:51:37 GarageMiner hive[1077]: { “method”: “hello”, “jsonrpc”: “2.0”, “id”: 0, “params”: { “rig_id”: “2087461”, “passwd”: “***********”, “server_url”: “http://api.hiveos.farm”, “uid”: “93e12b0eeb9290b37127f923acdc8df33ea5b9d4”, “ref_id”: “”, “boot_time”: “1627447863”, “boot_event”: “1”, “ip”: [ “” ], “net_interfaces”: [ { “iface”: “eth0”, “mac”: “a8:a1:59:80:a1:4c” } ], “openvpn”: “0”, “lan_config”: { “dhcp”: 0, “address”: “”, “gateway”: “”, “dns”: “” }, “gpu”: [ { “busid”: “00:02.0”, “name”: “HD Graphics 530”, “brand”: “cpu”, “subvendor”: “ASRock” }, { “busid”: “01:00.0”, “name”: “NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER”, “brand”: “nvidia”, “subvendor”: “Gigabyte”, “mem”: “5944 MB”, “vbios”: “90.16.4F.40.99”, “mem_type”: “Samsung GDDR6”, “plim_min”: “70 W”, “plim_def”: “125 W”, “plim_max”: “150 W” }, { “busid”: “02:00.0”, “name”: “NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070”, “brand”: “nvidia”, “subvendor”: “Gigabyte”, “mem”: “7982 MB”, “vbios”: “94.04.3A.40.11”, “mem_type”: “Samsung GDDR6”, “plim_min”: “100 W”, “plim_def”: “270 W”, “plim_max”: “300 W”, “fan_cnt”: “2” }, { “busid”: “03:00.0”, “name”: “NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER”, “brand”: “nvidia”, “subvendor”: “Gigabyte”, “mem”: “5944 MB”, “vbios”: “90.16.4F.40.99”, “mem_type”: “Samsung GDDR6”, “plim_min”: “70 W”, “plim_def”: “125 W”, “plim_max”: “150 W” }, { “busid”: “04:00.0”, “name”: “NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090”, “brand”: “nvidia”, “subvendor”: “NVIDIA”, “mem”: “24268 MB”, “vbios”: “94.02.4B.00.0B”, “mem_type”: “Micron GDDR6X”, “plim_min”: “100 W”, “plim_def”: “350 W”, “plim_max”: “400 W”, “fan_cnt”: “2” }, { “busid”: “05:00.0”, “name”: “NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070”, “brand”: “nvidia”, “subvendor”: “MSI”, “mem”: “7982 MB”, “vbios”: “94.04.3A.40.90”, “mem_type”: “Samsung GDDR6”, “plim_min”: “100 W”, “plim_def”: “240 W”, “plim_max”: “250 W”, “fan_cnt”: “2” }, { “busid”: “06:00.0”, “name”: “NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti”, “brand”: “nvidia”, “subvendor”: “NVIDIA”, “mem”: “7982 MB”, “vbios”: “”, “mem_type”: “Samsung GDDR6”, “plim_min”: “100 W”, “plim_def”: “200 W”, “plim_max”: “220 W”, “fan_cnt”: “2” }, { “busid”: “09:00.0”, “name”: “NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070”, “brand”: “nvidia”, “subvendor”: “MSI”, “mem”: “7982 MB”, “vbios”: “94.04.3A.40.63”, “mem_type”: “Samsung GDDR6”, “plim_min”: “100 W”, “plim_def”: “220 W”, “plim_max”: “220 W”, “fan_cnt”: “2” }, { “busid”: “0a:00.0”, “name”: “NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070”, “brand”: “nvidia”, “subvendor”: “MSI”, “mem”: “7982 MB”, “vbios”: “94.04.3A.40.63”, “mem_type”: “Samsung GDDR6”, “plim_min”: “100 W”, “plim_def”: “220 W”, “plim_max”: “220 W”, “fan_cnt”: “2” }, { “busid”: “0b:00.0”, “name”: “NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070”, “brand”: “nvidia”, “subvendor”: “NVIDIA”, “mem”: “7982 MB”, “vbios”: “94.04.3A.40.A6”, “mem_type”: “Samsung GDDR6”, “plim_min”: “100 W”, “plim_def”: “220 W”, “plim_max”: “240 W”, “fan_cnt”: “2” }, { “busid”: “0c:00.0”, “name”: “NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070”, “brand”: “nvidia”, “subvendor”: “ASUS”, “mem”: “7982 MB”, “vbios”: “”, “mem_type”: “Samsung GDDR6”, “plim_min”: “100 W”, “plim_def”: “280 W”, “plim_max”: “350 W”, “fan_cnt”: “2” }, { “busid”: “0d:00.0”, “name”: “NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER”, “brand”: “nvidia”, “subvendor”: “Gigabyte”, “mem”: “5944 MB”, “vbios”: “90.16.4F.40.99”, “mem_type”: “Samsung GDDR6”, “plim_min”: “70 W”, “plim_def”: “125 W”, “plim_max”: “150 W” }, { “busid”: “0e:00.0”, “name”: “NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER”, “brand”: “nvidia”, “subvendor”: “Gigabyte”, “mem”: “5944 MB”, “vbios”: “90.16.4F.40.99”, “mem_type”: “Samsung GDDR6”, “plim_min”: “70 W”, “plim_def”: “125 W”, “plim_max”: “150 W” }, { “busid”: “0f:00.0”, “name”: “NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER”, “brand”: “nvidia”, “subvendor”: “Gigabyte”, “mem”: “5944 MB”, “vbios”: “90.16.4F.40.99”, “mem_type”: “Samsung GDDR6”, “plim_min”: “70 W”, “plim_def”: “125 W”, “plim_max”: “150 W” } ], “gpu_count_amd”: “0”, “gpu_count_nvidia”: “13”, “mb”: { “manufacturer”: “ASRock”, “product”: “H110 Pro BTC+”, “system_uuid”: “03000200-0400-0500-0006-000700080009”, “bios”: “P1.60 03/23/2018” }, “cpu”: { “model”: “Intel® Core™ i5-6500T CPU @ 2.50GHz”, “cores”: “4”, “aes”: “1”, “cpu_id”: “E3060500FFFBEBBF” }, “disk_model”: “ATA CT120BX500SSD1 120GB”, “kernel”: “5.4.0-hiveos #108”, “amd_version”: “20.40 (5.9.0325)”, “nvidia_version”: “465.31”, “version”: “0.6-206@210723” } }
Jul 28 05:51:44 GarageMiner hive[1077]: ERROR: connection to API server failed (http://api.hiveos.farm)
Jul 28 05:51:44 GarageMiner hive[1077]: CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT (7) Failed to connect() to host or proxy.
Jul 28 05:51:44 GarageMiner hive[1077]: Will try again in 60s
Jul 28 05:51:44 GarageMiner hive[1077]: > Caching host resolve
Jul 28 05:51:44 GarageMiner hive[1077]: > Using DNS servers:
Jul 28 05:51:44 GarageMiner hive[1077]: > Resolving: api.hiveos.farm - FAILED
Jul 28 05:51:44 GarageMiner hive[1077]: > Resolving: shell.hiveos.farm - FAILED
Jul 28 05:51:44 GarageMiner hive[1077]: > Resolving: download.hiveos.farm - FAILED
Jul 28 05:51:44 GarageMiner hive[1077]: > Resolving: download2.hiveos.farm - FAILED
Jul 28 05:51:44 GarageMiner hive[1077]: > Resolving: amster.hiveos.farm - FAILED
Jul 28 05:51:44 GarageMiner hive[1077]: > Hosts update done
Jul 28 05:51:44 GarageMiner hive[1077]: > Starting agent screen
Jul 28 05:51:44 GarageMiner hive[1077]: Starting new agent screen session
Jul 28 05:51:46 GarageMiner hive[1077]: > Creating X server config
Jul 28 05:51:46 GarageMiner hive[1077]: Detecting connected monitors:
Jul 28 05:51:46 GarageMiner hive[1077]: /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/status:connected - GPU 0000:00:02.0
Jul 28 05:51:46 GarageMiner hive[1077]: Adding internal GPU 00:02.0 with “intel” driver, as the primary one
Jul 28 05:51:46 GarageMiner hive[1077]: Adding 13 NVIDIA GPU
Jul 28 05:51:46 GarageMiner hive[1077]: > Starting X Server
Jul 28 05:51:53 GarageMiner hive[1077]: No Octofan hardware found
Jul 28 05:51:53 GarageMiner hive[1077]: > Applying Nvidia OC
Jul 28 05:51:55 GarageMiner hive[1077]: Wed Jul 28 05:51:53 BST 2021
Jul 28 05:51:55 GarageMiner hive[1077]: Detected 13 NVIDIA cards