Mining rig does not work on 8 port tplink unmanaged switch

Hello All.
Here is my problem. I have 2 rigs, when I connect each one of them separetly on my modem each one shows online with no problem. Now I am using a switch in order to connect both at the same time. When I connect the 2 rigs using a switch, none of the 2 connects to Internet. When I turn off Rig2, then Rig1 apears online. But when I turn off Rig1, Rig2 does not connect as long as it goes through the switch. So it looks like Rig2 is killing the switch. Please can anyone help me solve this issue? I use an unmanaged Tp Link 8 ports switch.
Thank you

Sounds like an ip conflict. Try setting a static address

Thank you for your reply.
first of all, I am what we call in french a “nono”, that is somebody who knows nothing. So my first dumb question is, how do I set static adress? I tried Lan Configuration in Hive Portal, then I switched to Static > Update, but nothing seemed to have changed.
Second, when I connect Rig2 even alone on the switch, it does not work? So how IP conflict can explain the problem since even alone it does not work? Also as I said previously, if I connect Rig2 directly to the modem, it works without a problem.
Thanks again for your help.

I have just noticed that, when Rig1 is not just turned off, but unplugged from the switch, then Rig2 works well on the switch. So this mean, the switch does not accept 2 devices plugged in at the same time. Any help on how to solve this? My two rigs run latest version of HiveOS. If the problem is IP conflict, how to set a static IP with this rigs. Any good tutorial would be very much apreciated.
Thank you for your help.

You need to make sure they both have unique addresses.

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