Multiple GPU's - only my FTW3's are detected

Hello fellow miners,
I hope everybody is doing well. I am in need of your help, please !!!

I have a Asus Z 390-P.

I currently finished assembling a rig and I am only getting GPU detection from my FTW3 3070 and 3080.

I also have another Zotag 3070, MSI 370 and XC3 3070 that are not getting detected. I tried different power cables, different raisers, PCIE plugs/connectors, usb cables and different bios versions.

With the bios I tried the different versions and settings. I also updated to the last stable version of Nvidia drivers. As mentioned above, no matter what cable, power connection, riser combo I use - the only 2 GPU’s detected are the FTW3 3070 and 3080.

ANy help and guidance would be appreciated.

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