Nanopool hash rate won't show

Hello everyone,

Since yesterday i started mining thru HiveOS.
It’s working great!

But since i started mining my real hashrate won’t show up in my nanopool data (the black line) Is there something i missed? or is it just not possible?

And this is my setup:

POOL: eth-us, WALLET: %MYWALLET%/%Name_Miner%/, PSW: alsomyemail -epsw x -mode 1


Is it your real setup for nanopool in HiveOS? really? It’s totally unworkable

i know right, but it works though…
Can you show me a example of a good one? or a forum post?

[quote=“DutchAwesome;1372”]i know right, but it works though…
Can you show me a example of a good one? or a forum post?
HiveOS contain good template for nanopool throw web interface in Wallets / Example Wallets / Nanopool for all

ah great, i just deleted the whole txt. And now it’s working.
Thanks for the help! You can close it

Solved & closed