"No device found" when adding 7th GPU

Need help. I’m having an error where miners can’t find the GPUs when 7th one is installed. All works fine as long as I only have 6 GPUs in any combination in any slots, but the error occurs once the 7th GPU is installed. I’ve tried various OC settings, even blanks. Max power consumption with 6 cards were 710W, so I know it’s not the PS. And I know it’s not the motherboard or the GPUs, because any combination of GPUs in any slots up to 6 works fine. The motherboard is BTC-T37, has 2core Celeron, 8 PCIe slots w/ 8GB RAM, 32GB USB stick, 1800W PS.

In NBMiner:

Device initialize failed
No GPU available for mining

In GMiner:

No device found

But in HiveOS, all GPUs are displayed:

I have the same problem, I see the GPUs in HiveOS but are not working… did you get any solutuion?

Took that GPU and installed into Window box. Worked fine for days, then it started to behave strangely, so I replaced it, and it’s all good.

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