Noob with first rig not mounting and not working

Noob question. I have never used Hive OS. I am trying to setup my first rig to boot from a 16GB USB drive. It seems to boot from the drive but I don’t understand what I am supposed to do about this error message to get the device mining. Any help would be appreciated.

After flashing on the drive you need to download you config and put it in the directory on the flash drive. Then boot from it.

Screen Shot 2021-07-28 at 11.17.32 AM

Do you mean this file? I have edited it with my FARM_HASH ID, but I need to copy it to the root?

You can download your config file from hive os website because this file is example. And then when you flash the hard drive usb you need to copy it there on the partition with the files.

Anch’io ho lo stesso problema: ho scritto l’immagine di HiveOS su una USB da 32 gb, poi ho copiato il file rig.conf che ho scaricato dal sito, ma il sistema alla fine mi dà il seguente errore: “Config diresctory /hive-config is not mounted, please check filesystem”.
Ho provato a flasare usando Etcher poi Rufus, ma ho lo stesso problema. Potreste darmi una mano?!
Grazie mille

did you copy the rig.conf file in the same folder where the rig-config-example file is?
if you did just plug in the usb in the rig and start it.
if you have set the flight sheet in HiveOS web interface it should start mining soon.

Thanks to you, now it works, but each graphic card has a has too high an operating temperature and I don’t know how to make it lower. I have to study :smiley:

you need to OC them properly, now they dont have OC settings.

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