Nvidia 1063 : Claymore ETH :High CPU load [HELP]

I have encountered some problems these days to share.
For example, as the temperature begins to heat (I have already entered the summer here), the operating temperature of the machine begins to rise.
When the operating temperature reaches more than 75 degrees Celsius, the Claymore program that looks like HiveOS will begin to manage its work efficiency.
The average amount of power will decrease by about 20 to 40% depending on the temperature.
The 12-card can run to a value of 280 to 290 on average, and will drop to 220 to 240 after the temperature is too high to start controlling.
It is sometimes reduced to around 200.
This is a troublesome issue. (But the weather is regarded as a force majeure, and you can only think of ways to do the deployment)
It is planned that the relocation of the equipment room will be carried out in May-June. In the heat dissipation part, it will continue to observe whether there is a better solution.
In this part, probably because of the hot weather, it is often the case that the HiveOS control interface does not detect substantial operational data on a fixed number of machines. (This part is a personal guess)

Although the REBOOT order will have short-term improvements after rebooting, it will soon happen again.
This is a problem that is being resolved after using HiveOS.

As long as the HiveOS control interface is not detected, the real-time data return on the mine pool web page will start to decline. I do not know what the relationship between the two is what is being considered.

I noticed that when Claymore was in operation, the command that would control the balance of power to calculate the temperature seemed to be -ttli. I wonder if there is any way to adjust it from the part…?

I am not familiar with the program part.
Also need to slowly think about solutions…

P.S: This is a GOOGLE translation. If you feel strange grammar, please forgive me.

During this time, although the operation of the machine has stabilized.
But from time to time, there will still be machines:
Claymore Reboot: WATCHDOG: GPU error, you need to restart miner :(.

Is this simply because the overclocking setting is too high?
The reason for this doubt is that my overclocking has slowly been fine-tuning recently, but the same overclocking is set on different machines. Some of them can adapt to higher settings, but some are not.
(I know that every machine operates is not exactly the same)

Continuously observe the operation of the machine every day

P.S: This is a GOOGLE translation. If you feel strange grammar, please forgive me.

я выставил разгон 1200 вместо 1600. работает всё отлично… раз в день отваливается, но причина какая-то другая.
1600 на windows работает без проблем. на линуксе процесс ethminer грузит процессор на 105%. при разгоне +1200 - процесс ethminer ведет себя прилично.
оставил 1200 и забыл о проблеме… :frowning:

у товарища всегда стоит gen2. и у меня тоже стоит gen2. это в наших случаях не помогает. :frowning:

I am still experiencing this exact issue and have tried all the suggestions here to no avail. Is there another thread or resolution from @HIVE on this?

у меня стоял разгон 1500-1600.
была загрузка процессора 5.
убавил разгон до 1000.
стало всё отлично! (кроме хешрейта)
на днях вернул 1500. сейчас тоже всё отлично.
не представляю в чем причина… (рекомендую направить дополнительные кулеры на заднюю стенку видеокарт)

@Ethan try +100/150 core and PL 78; I had that same problem with core -100 or 0