Nvidia 1660 - 2060 gpus fan errors & no temps- random miner restarts and n/a hashrates

Okay so I’ve been having this problem for quite a while now, apparently there’s a bug that hasn’t been fixed for a while.
Random miner restarts, crashes, n/a hashrates, all because somewhere between hiveos and the gpu, temps and fans speeds get lost in the void, and its getting kind of annoying.

no matter what I try, change risers, change systems, change drives heck even change gpus and this keeps on haunting me, PLEASE, devs for the love of God, fix this or at least tell us what to do.

If anyone has any suggestions or can give me a helping hand, I’d appreciate it.

Gigabyte 2060s - 166p Tis and Supers

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Me pasa lo mismo

cambie las placas de lugar, y le puse Core 1100 y MEM 2100.
Por ahora todo OK

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