Random hangs of computers

Hi. I have problem with my rigs they are stop working at random,
3 rigs 3 other configurations, Sometimes they work a few days and sometimes a few hours, but the computer hangs scheme is the same, then rig3 hangs first, then after 30 min next two
rig1 asrock h110, intel celeron, 4gb ram, 11x 1050ti os instaled on kingston 8gb
rig2 biostar TB250-BTC PRO,intel pentium, 4gb ram, 5xRX580+7xRX560, os instaled on kingston 8gb
rig3 asrock h110, intel pentium,4gb ram, 4xGTX1060+8xGTX1050ti, os instaled on basf 8gb
version os 05-12 upgrade to 05-26

sorry for poor english
thx for any tip

sorry for poor english
thx for any tip[/quote]
Yon can write in russian/ukranian