Renamed OS worker - delete old version from ON how?

Hi everyone,
Newb issue I could use a hand resolving.

I set up a worker and all working great but I didn’t like the default assigned name so I renamed it within the HiveOS online system…

All still good and it appeared as a ‘new’ worker over on HiveON’s online system.

However the SAME worker now appears at HIveON as an ‘offline worker’ under its old name whist under its new name it appears as an ‘online worker’.

There’s no obvious way within HIveON to delete an unwanted ‘offline worker’… (or any worker) like there is at HiveOS.

So how dear collective does one do that at HIveON… delete the old name of an existing worker from appearing as an offline worker?

Many thanks

Click remove in the menu while you’re on that worker. Then confirm.

Thank you for replying @keaton_hiveon

However…. There is no ‘Menu’ in

There is a menu in

but the worker I’m discussing was renamed in

I don’t want to ‘remove’ it from there, I still want to keep the worker under its new name in both HiveOS and HIveON.

The problem I have is that the since ‘renaming’ the worker in it now appears twice in
Once under its new name as an online worker
But also under its old name as an offline worker.

How do I delete the ‘old name offline’ version from

Thanks again… I’m probably just being a dim newb… but I honestly can’t find a way to remove the offline worker old name version of the worker from

Ah okay, I see what you’re saying. the pool shows your recent workers that submitted shares. They will automatically be removed after so long of not submitting any new shares so you don’t have to do anything besides wait.


Hey, thanks so much…
That makes sense.

Hi Raj,

I have thr same issue.
Do you still “old worker” as offline in red ?


José Nunes

Hi @Corsamania ,

Actually as was described would happen by the other responder the ‘old worker’ disappeared from after it was offline for 24 hours.

Just delete or rename it in and it will appear as offline on After a day or so it will disappear.

Good luck!

Thank you very much



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