Rig keeps going OFFLINE

I have a rig with 3 RTX 3070s and 3 1660s. All of them run ok but the problem is the rig keeps going OFFLINE at random times. I have tried switch to SSL servers but that didn’t solve the issue. By offline I mean the cards and the Mobo is running but it shows offline on HiveOS as well as on the pool(ethermine). I am powering 2 RTX 3070 and Mobo with 1 750W PSU and the other 4 cards with another 750W PSU. I have a LAN connection and it is found to be stable as verified by other devices on the same network. Thank you for your help


My rig too.

Today become offline a few times, and now it’s offline… I don’t know what a do more…
Someone help…?

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if you cant figure out anything else, roll back on hiveos upgrade, i sww that you are on latest…there have been some other issues with that so, if its not working it is woth trying to roll to previous version…in latest os upgrade threre was some nvidia fixes among others…wouldn´t be the firs time that new os is giving issues. I newer upgrade to latest if my rig is working…

I have been facing this problem since last couple of weeks when I started mining and I have faced this issue with every update of HiveOS so far. So I don’t really think the update in itself is a problem.

Looks like the pool is down?

I actually use Ethermine

Which wallet do you use Bhavik?

I use Exodus

so… why do u upgrade if u seems to know allready that there will be issues??

In the hope that the update might solve the issue

man…check new upgrade…whats in it. Idf there is nothinfg that concerns you…like major upgrade to your miner etc…dont upgrade…wait for that net upgrade that fixes the bug on the previous…load off people dont upgrade…ever!! like if your rig is working fine…why u try to fix it? Well i hope u good luck with mining bro

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Hello guys,
Im french so sorry for my english.
I has this problem long time ago, my rig going offline randomly and He stop mining but the rig continue to run.
I fix that on putting some fan on all the PCI E and mobo, i see after week of search the MOBO and PCI heat à lot and some fan fix the problem for me.


Thank you will give this a try.

what mb u have

Hi guys,
I believed that this problem is due to the memory junction temp at the display cards too high. And your display cards are running at overclock. So it will get error very easy and then stop mining. The overheat is due to the back side heat sink too weak. It just an aluminum plate. The heat power cannot sink to the back side very fast. The solution are:

  1. don’t run at overclock or adjust to lower clock speed.
  2. to increase the flow speed. Add more fans as Betmxrc’s suggestion. Or add a back side fans with heatsink for display card.
  3. add a watchdog. A watchdog can reboot your miner automatically.

I do have a watchdog but that does not help. Can you share the exact settings for the watchdog? Also I have a blower type rtx 3070. I didn’t exactly understand what do you mean by back side fan for display card.

Did you use Autoo Fan? If yes what is your “Target Core TEMP”
I see your gigabyte 1660 Super’s fan running 97%?

And why all your 1660 super different core settings?

Any reboot message or notification?

Yes I did use Auto fan with 57 deg temp. One of the gigabyte gpu seems to perform differently than the others and hence I adjusted the OC settings accordingly. The same is the case with RTX 3070 Asus. One of them works differently as you can see gives me a lower hash than the others. When individually operated these work fine. Yes I do get Offline notification on discord and nothing other than that. The logs are also fine they show no error of any sort.

Let me reply the watchdog issue first. I am using the Chinese watchdog with device ID 5131:2007.

The setting are :

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Regarding the back side fan for display card, it is a specical heat sink and fans which install on the display card back side. I had searched it at Taobao as below:

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