Rig Keeps Rebooting before HiveOS finishes starting


I am having trouble with HiveOS, it appears to be loading, with text diagnostics running down the screen and about about 3 seconds of that the computer restarts with this loop continuing untili turn it off. Occasionally the loading screen will get to the HiveOS logo but this is about 1 time in 10.

The Motherboard is an ASUS Z490, with an 850 watt PSU powering the motherboard only, i haven’t even added GPUs yet.

I have 16GB 2133 Ram which I have run through the memtest with no errors and a 6605 Pentium Processor.

In the BIOS the CSM is turned on and set to boot from my boot SSD, no UEFI partition etc.
I have tried booting with the latest version of HiveOS and the Jan release, both with the same result of infitite restarting.

I have no idea what is causing this, as my first rig on HiveOS ran so smoothly until last week, and I can’t find any similar issues on the forum.

Any help or support greatly appreciated.


try settings in video

worked for my z490_p

I dont know this problem also same with you or not but in my problem have a restart before hiveos start is wifi loss

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