Rig reboots after seeing "Started Hive."

I notice the default selection in GRUB is “*Advanced Options For Ubuntu”, although I get the same results for both choices.

This is what happens after the ascii drawing “HIVE” logo:

modprobe NVIDIA drivers
Copying NVIDIA Xorg config
Connected monitors: 1
Connected monitor detected
> Detecting watchdogs
> Applying crontab
> Caching host resolve
> Saying hello to server
> Starting agent screen
> Starting HiveX
[  OK  ]  Started Hive X Server.

Then this counts from about 36s to 45s:

[***   ]  A start job is running for Hive (36s / no limit)

Then this and more counting (ca 51s to 1min 5s):

[  OK  ]  Stopped Hive Console on TTY1.
[  OK  ]  Started Hive Console on TTY1.
[***   ]  A start job is running for Hive (51s / no limit)

Replaced by this:

[  OK  ]  Stopped Hive Console on TTY1.
[  OK  ]  Started Hive Console on TTY1.
[  OK  ]  Started Hive.

Now, after about 23 seconds, the rig restarts (hard reset, like I hear relays clicking etc).

The rig uses parts from an hp xw6400 workstation, with 2 1060’s (new, no bios mods). I do not have any watchdog.
I tried using both a 16GB USB3 flash drive and an old sata rotating laptop drive with same results.
Monitor is on DVI on the card connected via a riser to the first pcie16 slot.

I do not see any prompts to enter rig id or other input. I tried going to virtual consoles (ctrl-alt-F1-7), no reaction.

Any ideas?