Following text implies you understand how to use ssh/teleconsole and you won’t be getting any hashrate stats or notifications from hive.
This is an example based on zjazz x22i miner, you can run any other linux precompiled miner like that. Basically just copy-paste every code line one-by-one in the shell.
- open teleconsole/ssh and login
- create a directory and open it
mkdir /hive/custom/zjazz && cd /hive/custom/zjazz
- download miner
- extract miner
tar -zxvf zjazz_cuda9.1_linux_suqa_0.991.tar.gz
- change directory
cd zjazz_cuda9.1_linux
- add executable permission to miner
chmod +x zjazz_cuda
Note: you can also use WinSCP or similar software to do what was described above in GUI fashion.
Now we need to add cuda libraries location to system environment cause hive didn’t do that by default.
- open file in text editor
nano /etc/
- type there
- press ctrl+x -> y to save changes in the text file
- save changes in the system by entering
Now we can run the miner. In order for it to be able to run when we close the ssh/teleconsole session, we will use nohup
10.1 stop hiveos miner miner stop
11. nohup ./zjazz_cuda -a x22i -o stratum+tcp:// -u WALLET.worker -p x &
That’s it, the miner should be working.
In order to see if it’s working, you can use: tail nohup.out
to see the end of the log, or nano nohup.out
to see it fully.
To stop the miner use killall zjazz_cuda